* Denotes that the field is mandatory.
New User Registration Screen
Please enter your details below.
Registration Details
Surname/Company Name *
Given Names
Address Line 1 *
Address Line 2
Suburb *
State Code *
Postcode *
Email Address *
Phone B/H: *
Phone A/H:
Mobile Phone:
User Details
The following Customer Types are used by Greater Shepparton, select the one that best suits your business needs:-

General Customer Type : General Enquiries, Payments, Property Certificates, Customer Requests (there is no need to register for a general customer.
Agent : Property Certificates via the Web Gateway
Developers/Builders : Applications, General Enquiries, Payments, Customer Requests.
Minor works within road reserves : Used for driveway crossovers, water tappings and other works within a road reserve, Customer Requests.
Referral Authority : Used for Planning Referral Authorities
Solicitor : Property Certificates, Customer Requests
User Name *
Customer Type *
Delivery Method *
Payment Method *