Missing applications-application-type image
Below is a list of the Application types that you can lodge online. Please select the required application type and click the Next button to continue.
Residents wishing to undertake any work (excluding mowing lawns) that impacts on Council infrastructure, Council street or roads or Council-controlled land will be required to obtain permission from Council prior to commencing works. To obtain permission complete the application details here.

Use this form for: Notification of proposed works; Application for consent; or Notification of completed works to the Coordinating Road Authority (CRA)
 Application TypesInstructions
Road Reserves Service Connection (Water Tapping) 
Road Reserves Vehicle Crossing 
Road Reserves Other 
Please read the following instructions clearly before selecting.

Only one selection is avaliable. - Please note that the application fee will not be calculated as part of this online lodgement.

You will be advised of any further fees prior to the further assessment of this application.

If you need help to complete this form, please contact Building and Planning on 03 5832 9700.

If you need to make an appointment to see a staff member from our Statutory Planning Team please go to Planning Appointments

Questions marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory and must be completed.
 Application TypesInstructions
Application for Development PermitDevelopment Permit may include any of the following activities, Building and Works, Earthworks, Native Vegetation Removal, Unit Development and Industrial Development.

You will be notified of the correct application fees associated with this class. Following this notification, payment can be made online.

Application for Subdivision PermitSubdivision Permit may include any of the following activities, multi lot subdivision, subdivision of buildings and/or realignment of a common boundary or to consolidate two lots or more.

You will be notified of the correct application fees associated with this class. Following this notification, payment can be made online.

Application for Development and Subdivision PermitDevelopment and Subdivision Permit may include any of the following, construction of multiple dwellings and subdivision, multi lot subdivisions and earthworks and subdivision and removal of native vegetation.

You will be notified of the correct application fees associated with this class. Following this notification, payment can be made online.

Application for Use and Development PermitUse and Development Permit (eg: use and development of a medical centre) including combined application types.

You will be notified of the correct application fees associated with this class. Following this notification, payment can be made online.

Application for Use only PermitUse may include an application to waiver car parking requirements, medical centres, offices, motor vehicle repairs etc.

You will be notified of the correct application fees associated with this class. Following this notification, payment can be made online.

Application for Liquor Licence PermitLiquor Licence may include a new licence or variation or change of category to a liquor licence.

You will be notified of the correct application fees associated with this class. Following this notification, payment can be made online.

Application for Development Assoc with Single Dwelling PermitDevelopment associated with single dwelling - to develop land ancillary to the use of an existing dwelling (such as to construct a building and or to carry out works) or to use and develop land for a single dwelling per lot.

You will be notified of the correct application fees associated with this class. Following this notification, payment can be made online.

Application for Removal of Restrictive Covenant PermitRemoval of Restrictive Covenant - to remove a restriction (within the meaning of the Subdivision Act 1988) over land if the land has been used or developed for more than two years before the date of the application in a manner which would be lawful under the Act but for the existence of the restriction.

You will be notified of the correct application fees associated with this class. Following this notification, payment can be made online.

Application for Create/Vary Restriction/ Right of WayCreate/Vary/Restriction/Right of Way - to create, vary or remove a restriction within the meaning of the Subdivision Act 1988, or to create or remove a right of way.

You will be notified of the correct application fees associated with this class. Following this notification, payment can be made online.

Application for Easement Other than a Right of Way PermitEasement other than a Right of Way - to create, vary or remove an easement other than a right of way or to vary or remove a condition in the nature of an easement (other than a right of way) in a Crown grant.

You will be notified of the correct application fees associated with this class. Following this notification, payment can be made online.

Please read the following instructions clearly before selecting.

Only one selection is avaliable. - Please note that the application fee will not be calculated as part of this online lodgement for Council and Private Building application.

You will be advised of any further fees prior to the further assessment of this application.

Application for property information for building surveying purposes will be calculated at Lodgement.

If you need help to complete this form, please contact Building and Planning on 03 5832 9700.

Questions marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory and must be completed.
 Application TypesInstructions
Building Application LodgementBuilding applications for building works or use, including an application for demolition of a building

You will be notified of the correct application fees associated with this application. Following this notification, payment can be made online.

The following documents are mandatory when lodging a building application:

Full copy of Title - (no less than 100 days)
(NB: If a full current copy is not provided with this application at time of lodgement, the Council will obtain this on your behalf and all costs incurred will be oncharged)
Site Plan
Proposal Plan

Please ensure all of these documents are ready and saved so these can be uploaded before commencing this lodgement process.
Application for Property InformationApplication for property information for building surveying purposes.

Please note that Application Fees are Calculated and payable at Lodgement. Property information certificates contain the following information
Legal Point of Discharge (Reg 133), Land Liable to Flooding, Termite, Bushfire, Snowfall, Designated Land & Works and Planning Permit requirements.
Private Building Surveyor - Section 80Private Building Surveyor - Lodgement Section 80 for building surveying purposes.

This option can also be used when submitting combined Section 80 and Section 30 documentation.

You will be notified of the correct application fees associated with this application. Following this notification, payment can be made online.

Report & Consent ApplicationReport and Consent applications for building works.

The following documents are mandatory when lodging a Report and Consent Application:

Full copy of Title (NB: Front copy of Title Page and Plan of Subdivision only required for REG 153)
Site Plan
Proposal Plan

Please ensure all of these documents are ready and saved so these can be uploaded before commencing this lodgement process.

Please note associated fees are now applicable at lodgement, Council reserve the right to charge additional fees where applicable following further assesment of your application and verification of the cost of works
Applicants wishing to obtain copies of current or historical plans or permits for building works - Please read the following instruction clearly before selecting.

Only one selection is available. - If you need help to complete this form, please contact Building and Planning on 03 5832 9730.

Questions marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory and must be completed.

Please note that the application fees will be calculated as part of this online lodgement.

 Application TypesInstructions
Plan and/or Permit RetrievalPlease Select this option to obtain copies of Building plans and permits. Evidence of owners consent will be required as part of this application. Application fees will be calculated at lodgement.
Applicants wishing to obtain copies of current or historical plans or permits for planning permits - Please read the following instruction clearly before selecting.

Only one selection is available. - If you need help to complete this form, please contact Building and Planning on 03 5832 9730.

Questions marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory and must be completed.

Please note that the application fees will be calculated as part of this online lodgement.

 Application TypesInstructions
Plan Retrieval