Payment Types
Missing payments image
Please select the type of payment that you wish to make. You can add multiple payments if required by repeating this process prior to submitting them for processing.
Please note: We accept only Visa and MasterCard for online payments at this time.

If you prefer, you can also make payments over the phone using our automated voice service.
Animal Renewal Payments
Renewal of existing animal registrations only. New animal registrations
 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
CatPlease have your animal renewal notice ready.
DogNote your "Animal Reference Number" (not tag number).
Application Payments
Payment of Council Applications.
 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
ApplicationPlease have your Application Ref. ID ready.
Debtors Receipt (Accounts Receivable)
Payment of General Council invoices.
 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
DebtorsPlease have your Invoice or Statement ready.
Infringement Payments
Payment of Local Laws, Animal or Parking Infringement Fines.
 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
Local Laws InfringementsPlease have your local laws infringement notice ready.
Use this option for fines issued under • Local Law No. 1 Community Living 2018
Parking InfringementsPlease have your parking infringement notice ready.
Pool Barrier InfringementsPlease have your pool barrier infringements notice ready.
Statutory InfringementsUse this option for infringements issued under the below Acts:
• Country Fire Authority Act 1958
• Domestic Animals Act 1994
• Environment Protection Act 1970
• Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1986
• Impounding of Livestock Act 1994
• Road Management Act 2004
• Summary Offences Act 1966
Licensing Payments
Licence Registration Payments for Local Laws, Pool/Spa Registrations and Health Services.
 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
Licence Renewals & Invoicing (for existing customers)Please have your Reference Number (found on your renewal or invoice notice) ready.
Rates Payments
Payment of Council Rates and Charges.
 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
RatesPlease have your Customer Reference Number (found on your rates notice) ready.
Permits & Registers
Payments of Permits & Registers
 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
Permit or RegisterPayments for Permits & Council Registers. Please have your payment reference number ready.